Thursday, December 5, 2019

Spring Up

The neighborhood egg hunt was on a lovely day this year. Evie always loves a chance to dress up in her finest spring threads.
There was no limit this year, they could collect as many eggs as they could get. Kara still ended up with only a couple, because she kept helping the littler kids find them. 

Kiersten didn't get a whole lot of eggs either, because she was busy being cool with her friends.
My most anticipated moment of the year! The cherry tree finally bloomed. 
The light wasn't super great at 5pm.
So we did the whole thing over again in the morning. 

Kiersten was in a better mood, so these ones turned out a lot better. 
I taught the girls a game I used to play with my sisters called "chugga choo choo". They actually thought it was pretty fun. I had to laugh, because I played this game with my sisters when I was quite a bit younger than them, and it's such a simple, silly thing.
The winner is the one whose legs are straightest after saying the last "choo". 

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