Monday, December 30, 2019

Draft Party

We decided to go to KC for draft day. The girls always have so much fun at these events. They might even like it better than the actual games once they start to be in cold weather. 

They always want to try out all of the field activities. 

I stood in line for the locker room while Ben watched to girls play on the field. They joined me in line just in time to enter the tunnel.
It didn't take too long to get to the locker room once we were all into the tunnel. There were no players in there, though we kept hearing that there would be,. Oh well. 
Ben got lots of pictures of the lockers in case he decides to build one for the basement family room. 

It's pretty fun to get to look around in there, though I doubt it normally looks so pristine and organized. 

Right outside is the press room, so the girls all gave quick press conferences about their day. 
Evie said that the highlight was not the field games, not meeting players, not the locker room, but... the free lunch, haha. 
We ran into KC Wolf, so of course we needed to stop him for a photo. He's actually pretty friendly for a wolf. 

We almost never to to Kansas City without a stop at Minsky's, the absolute most bestest pizza joint I know!

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