Thursday, December 5, 2019

Our Zoo Is The Best Zoo

Since we had Katie's family in town, we thought it would be fun to go to the zoo. Kara hasn't wanted to go in years, but I think she was surprised how much fun she had being there with the little ones, who are excited about all of it.
Evie looked beary cute that day. 

Rozzie had fun with all the climbing, crawling, and running around areas. It truly is a fun zoo. 
The hippos are one of our favorites, though they don't always cooperate for photos. They were awesome on this day. 

Everyone wanted to hold hands with everyone else. It was very sweet. 
Kiersten and Kara were beary cute too. 

Sometimes, they infuriate each other by touching one finger on the other person, and then sometimes they walk around like this. I can't ever guess how it's going to be. 
The orangutan was wearing a little jacket. We've seen them put on ponchos before, they are so clever. 

Oliver was a happy little observer. 
The broken foot/scooter and stroller crew had to take the long way around, haha. 

The giraffes are my favorite. 
I think they are just so pretty. 
All the trees and flowers at the zoo are wonderful in April. It's a perfect time to go. 

The kids are always so impressed by the sea lion tunnel. It's fun to watch them playing around. 

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