Sunday, June 23, 2019

February Fouls

 Poor Kara fell on her wrist during a basketball game and got a hairline fracture in the growth plate. I had a nice afternoon at the ER with her, but the good news, is it healed up fast, and she wasn't out for a month even. 
 The ER is a sucky place to be, but I'm always glad to have someone taking care of my babies. 
 A happy picture to counteract the sad pictures above. 
 A week after Kara's mishap, Ben broke his foot playing basketball as well. I was tempted to pull Kiersten out of her basketball game to be on the safe side, but I let my rational side win out, and she played. He still coached the game, and then took Kara out for her daddy-daughter date. 
 Later that night, the girls got all dolled up for the sweetheart dance. I thought Ben would not want to go, but he insisted he'd be fine, and only dance a little. He chose lovely dresses for all of them to wear. 

 Evie always wants to out-fancy everyone. Kiersten gives her a run for her money. 
 I couldn't get over how grown up Kara looked that evening. 

 They all had a fun time, injuries and all. 
 While they were at the dance, I headed out to music trivia. My group dressed in grunge style, so that was not too hard to figure out. Ben didn't like the way I did my makeup, though. 
 We had some fun in the photo booth!
After the sweetheart dance, Ben showed up at the trivia, and I was so surprised. He really is such a good sport and a fun guy. We went to a bar afterward to celebrate a friend's birthday, but we didn't last long. Poor Ben had a rough day, so I was not about to complain. 

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