Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Kiersten's 8th Birthday!

Kiersten baby turned 8! She is such a sweet and happy girl, and I can hardly believe how fast her first eight years have flown by.
Our stash of balloons and streamers finally ran out after Kara's birthday, so Ben was sent out to the store after the girls went to bed to get some new ones. We got home late, so I was up til 4AM decorating her door, wrapping gifts, and decorating her cake. There was also a late night trip to Walmart in there for more thing I had forgotten.
The lost sleep was worth it to see her happy face when she woke up and realized she was the birthday girl.
She wanted pancakes for breakfast, so I tried to make hers look like a panda. She was very sweet and acted like she could tell what it was... after I told her what it was.
Evie requested a Minnie Mouse pancake with strawberry ears.
When Ben came home from basketball, we let her open her birthday gifts.

Kara bought her a really cute dress. She decided to wear it to her party later that day.
Evie wanted to get her a panda book, but only wanted to spend $3. I didn't come across anything, so I asked her for a backup gift, and she said she'd like to give her a fashion accessory. So I found this hat for $3 that perfectly fit the bill.

She was pretty annoyed with me that I gave her a new package of underwear.

On of her most exciting gifts was a balloon animal kit. She wanted to use it straight away.

She already knew how to make a fish from her circus class.
She tried a few of the balloons in the instruction book. It turned out to be harder than we all thought.
Kara just kept popping balloons, so we told her no more for the day.
Since we hired a magician for her party, she decided she was going to decorate her juice boxes to look like playing cards. Ben pointed out that it would be easier to just tape a card to the box from an incomplete deck we had sitting in the closet.
She only made 2 by hand before we switched to the actual cards, but she insisted that those first 2 be set out as well. She was very proud of them.
She did a pretty good job.
Evie created a panda mask and stuck it to a juice box. Then she was sneaking past me drinking it, and hiding behind the mask thinking I wouldn't be able to see what she was doing. It was so funny, that I could barely even get after her for sneaking a juice box. She was still a little upset to be caught, but felt better when she saw that we were laughing.
We also grabbed all the 8s from the deck and fanned them out on the door.
We took the balloons from her door, and Ben created a balloon bouquet for the mailbox. He took apart a wire hanger to get it to stand up. It looked really cute, and lasted there until the next day.

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