Saturday, April 11, 2015

Go! St.Louis and class party

This morning was the girls' Go! St. Louis race. They keep track of all of their mile runs throughout the year, and this race is their final mile to get to 26. It was perfect running weather, and the girls were very excited for the run.
I was happy that their school's organizers handed out plastic leis so it was easy to spot them running.
As nerve wracking as it is to have your kids removed from you, and led into a huge crowd, it does feel a little easier to know they are holding onto a rope together. I kept reminding them not to let go of the rope, and I'm sure it was rather annoying.
Here they are ready to start running!
They're off! Kara was absolutely determined to beat Kiersten this year. That was the true "race" for her. She asked if she came in first place if I'd give her $1000. I said yes, and then Kiersten asked if she came in first place if I would get her an ice cream cone. I said yes to that as well.
I was very excited for Kiersten when I saw her come around the corner with some of the big kids, and some kids from other schools that had started a few waves before our school. She was pouring sweat, and pumping her little arms. My heart did drop a little for Kara, because I knew how much she wanted to beat Kiersten. Kiersten had even started the race a few people behind Kara, so I'd hoped that would make a difference, but I have to be happy for Kiersten for doing so well. She came in just under 9 minutes, which isn't quite as fast as last year, but still impressive to me.
Kara finished in about 10 1/2 minutes. That is actually really good for her compared to her times at school. And last year, she came in closer to 13 minutes. So I was very excited for her, but I could see her immediately looking around for Kiersten when she finished to see if she'd beaten her there. On the walk back to the car, she kept saying, "Kiersten shouldn't get an ice cream cone because she wasn't the first to finish". I got them both some ice cream anyway, since they had done their best. She is trying to keep her sour grapes in check, so I appreciate that.
They both wore their medals proudly. Kara did ask why she'd gotten a medal if she didn't finish first. I told her that it was because she had done her best to run a mile, and that is something to be proud of. Her response was, "well, I guess we are celebrating mediocrity". And I am pretty sure that is a quote Ben has said a few times. But she still wore it, and seems to feel proud.
Kiersten just had to get a picture with the tulips. I love how genuinely happy it made her to see them. Kara's comment was, "hmm, I'm surprised they weren't destroyed by the hail storm."
After the run, we had to rush to get Kiersten to softball practice. She was about a half hour late, but still got in a good amount of practicing. She did stay a few minutes after practice to work on her swing. I just love this picture of the girls being adorable.

She loves playing. She has really enjoyed it so far.  
I got to help out with Kiersten's spring party at school last week. It's always fun to see the kids at school.
I had them make these cute flower pots. I saw an Easter version of this, but changed it to be more spring, since it isn't really supposed to be an Easter party.
As usual, they turned out even cuter than I imagined. The kids had cute and creative ideas.
I also made a fun garden bowling game out of left over soda bottles. I wish I would have taken a picture of the bottles. Kara helped me make them, and they turned out so cute. We did a bunny, a mouse, a grasshopper, a ladybug, and bee, and a blue bird.
I'm sure you get the idea.  
One of the moms made these adorable carrots with goldfish crackers.

We also had bunny juice boxes and string cheese butterflies. The kids ended up decorating their butterfly wings, so that was fun too.
One of the kids' Grandma made the most fun name tags. I was so surprised when she dropped them off to me. They were so adorable. Now I will feel bad the next time I'm in charge of name tags and I just write their names on a sticker.

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