Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas party party

We had a Christmas party at our house on Saturday. I was a little anxious with how close it was to the floors getting finished, but it worked out perfectly. Ben did such a good job of planning out the food and keeping everything organized. He even put red and green light bulbs over the island. It was a little tricky when he was making simple syrup and trying to dye it red. We really couldn't tell what color it was under those lights. Ben had to cover the pot to block the lights, and I shined a flashlight to see if it was turning red.
Evie was so happy to have several of her friends over all at once.
The kids were super excited when Santa showed up!
He answered Christmas questions, sang songs, and read a story to the kids.
The kids had some pretty cute questions for him. Most of the questions were about Rudolph.

Evie was the first to sit on Santa's lap. She wants a Doc McStuffins checkup center for Christmas. But she calls it a "Doc station". I think Santa thought she was asking for something quite different than what she meant. Hopefully he'll get a better idea from her letter she sent.
Kiersten didn't want to sit on his lap again this year. She said she was too naughty. (at least she's honest with herself, hehe) Santa asked her why she thinks she's naughty, and she said because she fights with Kara. He told her that the fighting doesn't get her on the naughty list, but failing to forgive and make up is what could get her there. So she agreed to try to always forgive Kara when they fight. She told him she would like a yellow 3DS for Christmas. I haven't heard her mention that she wants a yellow one before that...
As soon as Kara went up to Santa, he guessed that she is the big sister Kiersten was talking about. I guess he really does know all kids. He gave her the same forgiveness speech as Kiersten, and added that the oldest sibling has the most control over whether there is fighting or not in the first place. She promised to try her best to get along. She asked for an easy bake oven.
Or friend Ze offered Santa to sit on his lap, and Santa said he was game.
Kiersten had so much fun with her buddies!
Santa and the moms. I got in the back since I was in heels, but didn't realize I was hiding. Maybe someone at a different angle got a better shot?


Unknown said...

Looks like fun. Kiersten cracks me up! Love & miss you!

Nancy said...

Oh, poor Kiersten & her guilty conscience! Kara probably didn't mind at all!! Looks like fun. One of these years I sure hope we can do a Christmas party!