Wednesday, October 3, 2012

livingroom laps and Kara's note

On Saturday, Kara and Kiersten decided to run laps around the livingroom. We were very impressed with Kiersten. She kept lapping Kara, and was running in a bigger loop. Kara wanted to run 1 mile, so Ben figured out how many laps she would need to complete to make a mile. She ended up running 1 1/4 mile, though she did walk several laps, probably almost half. 
kiersten was a little running machine! she ran every single lap, and Ben figured she'd run at least 1 3/4 miles. She barely got winded, and like I said, she kept lapping Kara. She ran 344 laps, if I'm remembering right. and Kara ran around 270-ish. After the first 103, Kiersten took a break, and it actually took Kara a full 7 minutes to catch up to 103. I'm not sure if Kara is out of shape for a 6 year old, or if Kiersten just has amazing stamina for a 4 year old.
This morning I was making my bed, and found 2 envelopes under the bed. I pulled out the first one and found this sweet note from Kara.
It's hard to read, but says, "I love you mom. You are the greatest parent a kid kood ever have. I love you, love Kara." I was just smiling and reading, what a sweetie. I figured the 2nd note must be for Ben, but opened it to see, and it was actually a continuation of the first...
"Just this once, Please send me a non healthy snack. love Kara." Then as you can see, a picture of her at school enjoying some marshmallows. I couldn't stop laughing! the little stinker. Buttering me up, and then asking for marshmallows! She always complains that she is the only kid at school who brings healthy food for snack time. According to her, all the other kids get cookies and cupcakes. It's not like I'm sending her in with tofu or something, just fruit, carrot sticks, raisins, or other things that she actually does like. I think just in comparison to some kids having candy or hostess cakes, she gets jealous. There have even been at least 2 occasions I know of that she lied to her teacher that she forgot her snack, so she could have something from the classroom stash instead, and at least once that she put her snack back into the fridge before she left for school. We've explained to her over and over that we want her to be healthy, and that sugary snacks are an occasional treat, not something we want her to have every day at school. But she still complains. She went to a birthday party on saturday, and I had 2 little girls separately come up to me and tell me that Kara's the only kids in class who has to eat healthy snacks. Wonder who put them up to that? ha. But now I do feel a little softened after her note. So maybe tomorrow will be a cookie day, and then back to normal the rest of the week.


bmills said...

She definitely knows what angles to come at you.

Unknown said...

Kara is such a cutie! Maybe once a week she could have a non-healthy snack. I am proud of you for sending healthy snacks. It would be nice if the other parents did too.

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot to comment on the running. That is awesome! I used to enjoy running.

Ben and Becky said...

I'm sure the other parents are sending in healthy snacks too, but Kara just notices when someone has sweet treats. but I do see her point. It would be okay on occasion.

VicandNanc said...

Ha! That note cracks me up. You guys are pretty dedicated to count laps... really don't think I could have the patience for that!