Monday, April 30, 2018

Super Girls

For trivia night at school, the theme was movies. Our group went with a super hero general theme. Evie did not want to attend, and Kara decided to go to her TKD class instead, so I just had Kiersten that night. We cut out a quick felt mask, and she wore a super girl cape. 

Even though she didn't attend, Kara drew some artwork for us to put on our table. She has really gotten into drawing lately, and is a good artist. I loved her version of Wonder Woman. 

She spent so much time on these, so I just couldn't throw them away at the end of the night. I brought them all home and she has displayed them in her room. 

We had such a fun night, but of course I didn't really think to take many pictures once the fun got started. Kiersten did ask for a picture after her tooth fell out. 
Kara always finds the hidden bear at Schnucks. You'd think at age 12, she'd be less excited about finding it than she is. Haha. She always asks if I'm going to send a picture to Ben when she finds it. 
Evie has begun softball season. At the first practice the girls brought a soccer ball, and we showed up a little early so they could play for a bit. 
It was a little chilly, but they didn't mind as much as I did. I was tempted to sit in the car, but I toughed it out. 

She has really enjoyed softball. 

We took Jingles outside, but Evie was so freaked out, that the poor thing got scared and wanted to go straight back in the house. 

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