Monday, April 30, 2018


With such an early Easter this year, our neighborhood egg hunt was in mid March. It was kind of cold, but not raining, thankfully. 
The kids had a great time hunting. We had sponsors this year, so the kids were able to get more eggs than the usual 12. That was pretty exciting for all of them. 
This one makes me smile. Not sure exactly what I find so humorous about it, but I can't not laugh looking at it. Maybe it reminds me of Kara's surprise when we pulled into the the parking lot, and saw the bunny getting out of a car. She was like, "did the Easter Bunny drive himself here?!" 

Evie drew a picture for the bunny. 
The kids got to decorate some boiled eggs with markers and stickers. Kiersten and I both were sick soon after eating the eggs. Why did we eat eggs that we didn't know where they came from or how long they'd been sitting out? I guess sometimes I make poor choices. 

I finally made wreaths for our new doors. We went to the store to buy wreaths, but didn't find anything we both liked. So Ben picked out all of the stuff, and arranged it all to look nice. Then I glued everything on. So that's what I mean by "I made them". That counts, right? 

I put this picture in to show our new brown shutters. Much better than the faded, spider and hornet filled green ones we've had for the last 6 years. They aren't what I had pictured, but Ben picked them out, and I love them. 
He is pretty talented, actually. I tried to make the wreaths a few times and gave up until he finally showed me where everything should go. The man has an eye. But I picked out the bunny bows. I took them off after Easter, and figured I can change them out for different holidays. So there's my contribution. Though, now I think of it, that might have been his idea too. 
On Good Friday, the girls were off school, so I had them help make the rice krispie eggs. 
Evie wanted to make a rice krispie bunny too, so we used the bunny cake pan. 

She did a cute job of decorating the bunny with left over icing from the eggs. 

After we cleaned up, I took the girls to Six Flags. It was our first visit of the season, and a nice day for it.
Kara and Kiersten were in the ice cream line for a long time, but Evie kept busy by eating almost an entire funnel cake by herself. 

We went to the store on the way home, and ran into the Easter Bunny on his way up to the front of the store to do pictures. The girls tried to avoid him, and he kind of chased them a bit, so I made them stand for a picture. He was just trying to be nice! Weirdly, we have also run into Santa walking down the aisle at this same Wal-Mart. He made us stop for a picture too. 
When Ben came home from work, we colored Easter eggs. 

Ben helped for the first time in a few years. He was proud of his creative work. He had a secret plan to prank me for April Fool's Day, and snuck a raw egg from the fridge to color. He worked really hard on it, and it was quite fancy. He was excited for me to crack it open on Easter to make the deviled eggs, and be surprised by the raw yolk. Unfortunately, he dropped it onto the table while he was showing it off. He was devastated, and I didn't realize why. I kept saying, "It's fine. We'll still use it anyway. There is always a cracked egg or two."He just kept staring at me, and then finally came clean about it being a raw egg, and that's when I saw the mess, and we all had a good laugh. Nice try, prankster Ben!

We had some other paint and glitter mishaps, but got the job done. I tried to glue sequins all over one of the eggs, but they just ended up stuck to my fingers, so I gave up, and threw glitter all over the rest of the eggs. I sure regretted that when I was trying to peel the eggs. It was everywhere. I guess that's what I get. 

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