Monday, April 29, 2019

Winter Whirlwind

When I was at Kara's black belt test, Ben and the girls were getting to have breakfast with Santa. Of course they had to get a bit dressed up for the occasion. 

The breakfast was hosted by the girls' orthodontist. Isn't that great? 
We didn't want to take the girls to a Thursday night football game because of school, so we pawned them all off on their buddies and went to the game with some friends. It was rainy and cold. 

Our seats are covered, so that's a plus. It wasn't as bad weather as what had been predicted, so we were just happy about that!
Ben and Adam got to be down on the field during warm ups, so they got some close up pics. 

Here they are holding the arrowhead flag at the start of the game. They're at about the 22 yard line with their back facing the camera. I should have brought my zoom lens.
We also got to see Tony Gonzalez be inducted to the Chiefs Hall of Fame. That was pretty  fun. He's so handsome. 

Always so exciting to watch Mahomes in action. 
When we were back home, a mysterious package arrived. Kara could not wait to crack it open.
Excitingly, it was our Christmas box from Grandpa and Grandma Boot! They didn't want to wait for Evie to get back from her Daddy-Daughter date to get into it. 

All the fun things. 
We had to leave the goodies behind and head out to Kara's basketball game. 
She has a lot of fun playing. 

After Kara's game, we rushed over to catch Kiersten's game. She loves playing as well. I was disappointed that Evie wasn't interested in trying basketball, but I'm not keen to pay for a sport she doesn't want to play, so she's sticking with dance for now. 

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