Sunday, July 29, 2018

Prancing Princess

Evie's dance rehearsal was the same afternoon as time trials for swim team. So I took her to the rehearsal while Ben filled in for me setting up at the pool. Evie was in love with the costume this year! It was all sparkles and pouf.
The rehearsal and recital were both at Lafayette High again. 

We got there a little early to get in the pictures line before her dance numbers so we could get out of there early if possible.

I think their class photo was this pose. I guess I'll find out if I ever go pick up my pictures. 

Evie got to do the splits at the end of the second dance, and has been excited about it for months! I think she would have preferred to have her class photo on this pose instead. 
A closer look at her crazy flexibility.
She wanted to pose all over the school, but I had to rush her out to get ready for swim. 
She felt like the fanciest swimmer ever. She really wanted to swim with the bun. I let her keep it in as long as possible. She looked hilariously like a conehead in her swim cap, but I was worried the cap would rip, so I undid all that hair before she swam. 
Can you possibly spot Evie in this group of wiggly kids?

Time trials was crazy and fun. It was brutally hot, but at least the kids got to cool off in the water. 
Recital Day!
 I volunteered to be the mom in the back room with our class. I tricked my friend into staying back there to keep me company. The girls were really good. Some of them were as young as 5, so that could have been mayhem, but they were sweet. We all watched Frozen and they colored and shared treats. 
 We only had a few tears when Evie and another friend were accused of laughing at one of the names in the program. Full disclosure, they totally were laughing at a name in the program. I just had them apologize and then distracted everyone with a game. 

 These two, man. 

 Happy girl after a successful recital. We always forget to buy flowers for these sorts of things. Luckily, there were some for sale in the lobby. So smart, and so helpful!

 My sweet tiny dancer. 
 Kara got 3 blue ribbons at swim time trials!
 Kiersten had blue and red ribbons. I can't remember what Evie had because we never got a picture of hers. She's usually just glad to have any ribbons, regardless of color. 

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