Sunday, July 29, 2018

June Bugs

What do you do when your friend turns 40? Throw a unicorn party, of course. We actually had a lot of fun putting this together. The kids even helped out with cupcakes, a sign, and other stuff even though they weren't invited. 

Go unicorns!

I made the cake. It was simple and fun to make. It was also rather tasty.
A black bear was sighted a few times in our neighborhood. One of our neighbors said they saw it in our backyard. Evie told me she had a plan involving raw hamburger and a pot of honey. I said I had a better plan, and it involved Kiersten's panda head from last Halloween. After terrifying the poor cat, I went in the backyard to see if I could make friends with the real bear. 

It didn't really work out. My growls and rars were unconvincing. 
I did like that the panda head matched with my dress though. 

The girls have wanted to go to the water park at six flags a lot this summer. One particular afternoon, I saw that it was going to rain, so I thought that would be perfect, as it wouldn't be so busy. They had a lot of fun before it even began to rain. As soon as the wave pool got closed for thunder, we decided to eat lunch under the comfort of the canopy. 
I kept begging Evie for one straight face or smiling picture. She just couldn't handle it that day. The sillies were too strong.

I told the girls to wait up and I would ride the slide race with them. But they didn't hear me, and went up before I was over there. So I took a few pics of them sliding. I did guilt them all into inviting me to slide with them the next time we were there. 
Then the sky started to look like this. All the pools got closed, and before we were halfway to the parking lot it was pouring rain. I couldn't even really see where I was walking it was coming down so hard. Of course by time we made it to the car it was nicely drizzling, but I told the girls I wasn't willing to go back in. June can be unpredictable like that.

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