Friday, March 30, 2018


Of course the beach was beautiful, and my favorite place to be. It was nice to have a private beach to relax on with everything we needed just a few steps away. 

Ben took a liking to this rock and wanted a picture to show the kids. I think he was calling it dragon rock. I could be mistaken though. 
There really were some rough waters a few times. There was a guy on the beach telling everyone not to swim in this area. I just laughed and said I had no intention. There was so much coral just a foot or two deep. 
We didn't see very many crabs during the day, so when we did spot one it was fun to get a good look. I heard someone calling them ghost crabs, but not for sure if that's what they are. This one blinked right as Ben was getting close to touching it, and that sent him running pretty fast. 
We sat near the poisonous Manchineel trees a few times, but had no problems. No one else seemed concerned, so we just made sure not to touch them. 
Ben kept going to the bar, and each time offered to get drinks for more people. I laughed so hard when he came back one time with a tray and was handing drinks out the whole way to walk back to our chairs. Mr. Friendly!
We had fun snorkeling. There were a lot of different fish right off the beach. 

I was surprised we saw so many different kinds. 

I do not like getting mixed up with a big school. Even when I'm shallow, it makes me feel super creeped out and I am outta there. Ben will follow them all day. 

The jet ski guys were very nice. They had lots of info and tips. 
We went crabbing every night. By crabbing, I mean Ben chased crabs while I chased him with the camera. He finally got a system of scooping them up in a cup and then dumping the terrified crabby onto his hand and watching it scurry away. I laughed so much during our crab hunts. He never did get up the nerve to grab one off the beach without the cup. 

One night we found a bucket full of baby turtles. They were so little and cute! There was a guy walking along the beach searching for the bucket. He said they are to show to some tourists in the morning and then they eventually set them free. I hope they didn't end up as soup!
That's a lot of baby turtles! Ben told some people that we found them, and when we got back to our room, we could hear an argument between those people and the guy with the bucket. They wanted him to release the turtles immediately, and he wasn't going to. I felt badly that we caused a scene. I told Ben next time to keep it to himself. They look like little peanuts all piled up. You should have seen them squirming all around. 

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