Saturday, June 7, 2014

summer activities

We have been practically living at the pool for the past 2 weeks. I think I've finally convinced the girls to hang their bathing suits to dry instead of throwing them into their laundry hampers. I was just doing the same laundry over and over for that first week.
Kara has really been interested in the basketball hoop this year. Ben kind of helped her, and gave her some tips, and she has gotten better at shooting. The last 2 times I've taken her to the pool, she has spent most of her time shooting basketball with the teenage boys. They have been very nice about it, and letting her hang out with them.
Evie is getting more confident in the big pool. It's nice not to be stuck sitting in the baby pool area the whole time we're there.
She still likes to hang out in there sometimes.
Kiersten really wanted an under water picture. This was the best one we got. We'll have to try again with her goggles so she can do something cool.
Evie also wanted an underwater shot, but I couldn't get one. She doesn't stay under for even a second. So she had to settle for this.

The girls have been having a great time swimming with their friends, and making new friends on swim team.
We brought the giant beach ball back again this year. Kara told me that it makes her very popular.
Kiersten and her friends had a lot of fun trying to get on top of it. I don't think any of them were ever successful, though.

They had their first swim team meet on Tuesday. It took a while to get the kids all set up for a group photo. Kiersten is in the front row, 3rd from the left. I couldn't get her to look at me, it was really loud. Kara is in the middle behind a blond boy, and looking right at the camera.
Poor Kara woke up crying at midnight on Monday night. She cried that her ear was hurting and I could not get her to stop crying until after 3:30. So I took her to the Dr, suspecting swimmer's ear. The Dr said she did have swimmer's ear, plus a middle ear infection. So she is on ear drops and an antibiotic. She had to stay out of the water for 3 days, including showers. So she didn't get to participate in the meet. I still had her dress for the photos so she wouldn't feel too left out. Yesterday was her first day back in the pool, and her ear didn't bother her at all. I think I am going to find a swim cap for her, so we don't have this issue again.
Evie gets very bored and VERY grumpy at the swim team practices. It has been a challenge. Next year she will definitely be doing swim team along with them.
Group photo. Once they finally had everyone lined up, I hurried to get a picture before the photographers were ready. I didn't want to get in their way, or mess with their ability to get a great shot.
Kiersten went to girl scout camp on Wednesday. She was very excited. It was a day camp, and she wished she could have stayed over night.
Just a handful of our troop were able to go. They were a little restless during the 40 minute drive, but only because they were so excited to get there.
We were a little early, so they spent 10 minutes digging up pill bugs. I was a little surprised how willing they all were to let bugs crawl on them. I know if her friends weren't there, Kiersten would have been screaming and running away.

They had a great time! And I still can't believe how inexpensive it was. Just $12 per girl!

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