Friday, February 7, 2020

The Dance Performance

Evie's dance class took their photos back in April, but I saved them to go along with the pics from the recital.
They had the photos done in their tap costumes, which disappointed her slightly, because she loved the ballet skirt and hair flower. 

The last week of May, I took her to the rehearsal for the show. It's always a busy afternoon. 

She had an abscessed tooth, and was on an antibiotic waiting for the swelling to go down before it could be extracted. It was a rough few weeks, but she was a trooper. She still did all of her activities and did her best. 
Before the tooth was able to come out, i took her to the pediatrician, the regular dentist, then the oral surgeon twice. It got really distressing. At a certain point, I started demanding a set of pliers to take the tooth out myself. Luckily, I calmed down, and we waited for the antibiotics to do their trick so it could be removed more easily, with no need for cutting and stitching.  

I spent the morning of the performance at the ER with Ben. He had gotten a blood infection from an abscessed tooth (coincidentally). But it took forever to figure out what was going on. The ER doctor was convinced it was a virus at first, and then only cared about treating his high blood pressure, which was admittedly very high. But he said he didn't see an infected tooth, and didn't think that was related to the full body spasms and muscle cramping. His whole body was freezing cold, but he was sweating a ton. There was an actual puddle of sweat around him on the bedroom floor. The doctor figured out his kidneys were not functioning correctly, but still really thought it was a virus. He didn't get properly diagnosed for the infection until a few days later at a follow up with the GP. So we were sent home from the ER with muscle relaxers and pain killers, no antibiotics. I called on the way to have Kara get Evie ready for the recital. I got home just in time to get Ben into bed and rush Evie off to the recital location. Quite a stressful morning. 

It was good to have a little break from running Evie and Ben around to different doctors and just enjoy watching my little sunshine dance her heart out. She did such a great job, but was a little disappointed that I was her only fan. Hopefully this year, we'll all be able to be there for her. 
See that swollen cheek? It hurt her so much. I hated it!

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