Friday, February 7, 2020

Evie's Dreams

Evie wanted to walk to and from swim practice one morning. On the way home, she was telling me all about her twin chipmunk daughters, and how she tells them apart. She wanted to see if they were in the backyard. Unfortunately they were not, but a friendly turtle was visiting. 
She said, "Oh, I know this turtle. He's my best friend".  
Kiersten was watching a tv show about shopping for wedding dresses. Evie asked if she could try on mine, so I figured that would be fine. 
She made a lovely bride. She found it funny that the dress poufed out over the ottoman she was standing on. 

Kiersten made her a toilet paper bouquet, the best kind!

We decided to eat lunch outside in hopes her chipmunk daughters might make an appearance. No luck.

Kara went to her friend's Bat Mitzvah. She had a great time. 

It was quite the party!
After 3 1/2 weeks Evie finally got her yucky tooth pulled. I was so relieved. It turned out that her dentist had accidentally drilled into the nerve when fixing a cavity. That is what the oral surgeon said caused this whole thing. The dentist said that's not what happened, but who knows? She liked the surgeon, and she liked his selection of prizes. Actual stuffed animals instead of little plastic trinkets. We had to go back again a week later to get a spacer put in where he pulled the tooth. I think she ended up with 3 stuffed animals and a unicorn headband from there after all was said and done. 
She also got to keep the pig nose that they used to give her the gas. She said it still smelled funny though. 

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