Friday, February 7, 2020

Just Start Swimming

Swim team is always a big part of our summer. I volunteered in the bull pen again this year, but always try to get  away for a few minutes to see my chicky-poos swim. 

Time trials is a little more low key, because it's just our team, and it goes much faster. 
I took Ben to the dentist that morning, and then hurried to get Evie to her cheer camp. He called me to come get him, and we had to rush to the oral surgeon if he wanted to get the tooth out that day. So I stopped by the cheer camp and took Evie out early on our way. Luckily the oral surgeon stayed a little late for us so he could get it taken care of already. It took longer than I expected, so I started getting stressed about getting Evie to the pool in time for swim team. When he was all finished, I raced home and dropped Evie off at the pool. Kara and Kiersten had packed her stuff for her and walked to the pool while we were driving home. Then I ran Ben home and got him situated. I grabbed chairs for the girls and a few things they'd forgotten. Then I dropped those at the pool and went to walgreens for Ben's prescription. I didn't have time to get it home to him before time trials, so I went back to the pool for that, and then he had to wait for it to be over to get his medicine. But at the end of the night, I felt like everyone was in a better place than we'd been that morning. And I slept very well. Ben did not. He was out of it for several more days, kind of stuck in an in-between waking and sleeping state. He was talking a lot of nonsense and was confused. When he was better later in the week, he had no idea all of the crazy things he had been saying. To him it seemed like he was acting normal. 
Evie loved cheer camp again this year, even with the tooth situation. 

She did such a great job at the final performance. Last year I mentioned she wasn't smiling a whole lot, and this time she made sure to smile really big. 

She just loves the big girls, and always thinks they are her new best friends. 

I was her only fan again, but it didn't seem to upset her as much as the dance recital. Maybe because she works on dance all year, and cheer camp is just one week. She was embarrassed about her swollen face, but I told her she would be fantastic no matter what. She was relieved that not one person asked about it the entire week. 

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