Friday, January 31, 2020

Middle Sister

The ends of 5th grade is always an eventful time. My middle-est girl had such a busy month. We all got dressed up for 5th grade/D.A.R.E. graduation. Well, all of us but Ben, because he was stuck at work late. Darn these Thursday evening school events!

She loved her Easter dress so much, she decided to wear it again. she said she wanted to wear it to get married some day. I pointed out that she may grow taller by then, and she said that she'll purchase her wedding dress at Burlington, so it can be similar. 

Little sisters are great supporters!
Kiersten was selected to read her D.A.R.E. essay at the ceremony. I thought she'd be nervous (as I would be), but she was just proud of herself, and happy to be in the spotlight. 
The kids who read their essays all got a special medal. She was actually kind of embarrassed about the medal, weirdly. 
I did record her speech, and I just realized that I don't think I ever showed it to Ben. 
Doesn't that medal go nicely with her dress?
The kids photos were posted with some future hopes for all to read. The girls had to drag me away, I was so interested in reading all of them. Here is Kiersten's 

She also graduated from CCL, so there was a celebration field day. I didn't sign up to volunteer this time, so it was kind of fun to just hang out with her the whole time. 
Giant Jenga!

I mostly tried to just watch and not humiliate her too terribly. 

When the younger kids were at recess, another mom came and found me to let me know these to rascals were looking for me. Luckily they were fenced in, and I was safe. 

The 5th graders got to have a fun day at the local rec center. I didn't volunteer for that either, but was happy to get some pictures that were shared on the class facebook page. It looks like she had plenty of fun! 

This was also the week of the track meet and JA biz town field trip, so she was really busy, and I'm not sure how much school she actually did at school the whole week.

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