Thursday, February 21, 2019


The girls had fun ideas for Halloween this year. Since the costume contest has been done away with at Trunk or Treat, it's nice that they no longer ask for a second costume for that. Kiersten dressed up like Happy the cat from "Fairy Tail". I made a simple blue sweat suit so she could get just just the right color. It was convenient that I had made a Happy hat already for Kara's birthday. The only thing I had to go to the Halloween store for was the angel wings. 
She lost the tail at Trunk or Treat, and I didn't make her a new one. She kept asking Kara to check the lost and found at Selvidge for it, but it was sadly, never recovered. 
Evie has been saying all year that she was dressing as a hamster princess. I thought she was making it up at first, but there really is a book series about the Hamster Princess. She saw this Snow White dress at Sam's club, and decided that was as princess as she was going to get. I picked up a mouse ears and tail set at target, and she was all set. We added the tiara, and I tried to paint her face like a hamster. She definitely confused some people, but was not shy to explain to everyone that she was a book character. 
I didn't see a single other hamster princess. 
Kara was Lucy Heartfilia from "Fairy Tail". She knew that most people would have no clue that she was even dressed up, but she didn't care. We looked online for a costume to purchase, but couldn't find anything kid appropriate, which was not too surprising. So we ended up making her costume. Luckily, we had a white, button up shirt from when she was Mark Twain in 4th grade for famous Missourians. It still fit, so I just cut off the sleeves and added binding tape. That was easy. I did have to make the skirt from scratch, and those pleats gave me a lot of trouble. I may have called my mom near tears to get some help on that dang skirt! She said she'd wear the skirt after Halloween still, but I haven't seen her in it once. 
In the cartoon, the flying cat carries Lucy around, so Kiersten got up on Kara's back several times so they could pretend she was flying around and carrying her. It's fun they still use those imaginations of theirs. 
It rained, but we brought our tail-gating tent, so I sat under there the whole time. The kids didn't mind the rain much. 

I barely saw Kara and Kiersten all night. They stuck together since their costumes went together. Usually they each go off with their own friends, so it was nice they got along so well. 
I was a bunny, because I saw these ears in Evie's bathroom that morning. 
Evie got so much candy! We pretty much handed all of this out on Halloween, and she came home with a new bowl overflowing with different candy. 
Fun with face paint. 
Instead of rice krispies, we actually used the pumpkin cake mold for a cake this year. Evie decorated it quite nicely. 
Since I accidentally purchased one rotten pumpkin, Ben just helped Evie with carving hers. 

Kara took several days painting hers, and getting it perfect. I couldn't find a picture of it though. 

Mine was quick and easy. No patterns, no paint, I just went for it. 
The Evie/Ben jack-o-lantern turned out great. 
I made Jingles a Chiefs jersey, but she was way too fat to fit in it. So I ripped it apart to make it into a cape instead. 

Kara went off with her friends to trick-or-treat. One of them could barely walk, one could barely see, and it was pouring rain. They took forever to hit about 10 houses. It was pretty funny. 
We hung out at a friend's house while the kids all went around the neighborhood. When they all got back and ate dinner, they ended up in the basement trading candy. It was very organized with tons of rules. Evie thought she got the best deal. Kara's friend traded her 5 of his pixie sticks for just 2 of her mini twix. 
This is the reason Kara's friend couldn't see well while they were out there. I laughed to hard when I saw her. Pretty cool. 

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