Saturday, August 8, 2015

Several weeks of Summer

I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately, or posting many. But I did finally download the ones I have taken.
These park pictures are from mid-July when my parents were here. We took the kids to play at the park.
Kiersten ran 20 laps around the playground.
So Kara decided to do it too, but in crocs. I think she ran 6 or 7 before she gave up and went off to play.
And of course Evie just played nicely and had a grand time.
After the park we went to Silky's for frozen custard and rootbeer floats. It was a fun afternoon.
While they were here, we also went to Ben's softball game, Evie's T-ball game, and to see the Minion movie. It was a fantastic week.
These pictures are from 2 weeks ago at the park where Ben plays softball. I made the girls actually watch his game, and then afterward, they got to play at the park.

And then they all had sno-cones.
A few pool pictures from the past week or so. We haven't taken the camera with us too many times this summer.

It's kind of amazing what a difference a few weeks makes when you are at the pool almost every day. At the beginning of summer, Evie was afraid to put her face in the water, and now she swims confidently in the deep end, and can even dive to the bottom to get dive sticks. It really did just suddenly click one day for her, and off she went.

We also took them to hurricane harbor at six flags, which was  a blast, but I didn't have the camera. It was a pretty great day.
Kiersten earned a makeover by doing her chores, so she was pretty excited to cash that in. She said she looked like a rock star!

She also got to give me a makeover, which always goes so well, haha. She's not shy with that eyeliner, that's for sure.
Evie got a little jealous, so I gave her a little sparkle as well, since we didn't have plans to leave the house that day. She thought she looked like a mermaid.
I guess that's what we've been up to mostly. we've done tons of stuff, but it's hard to remember everything. Evie got to go to cooking camp with the big girls this year, so that's something you'd think I might have wanted to get a picture of. Oh well. We've got the memories!

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