Thursday, August 20, 2020

2019 First Day Of School

The first day of school for 2019 really snuck up on me. We were barely back from vacation and had to scramble to get ready. I was glad I ordered school supply kits through the schools so we didn't have to go shopping for those. We were gone for the middle school back to school day, so Kara and Kiersten missed the picture day. Luckily they were able to get in for retake day a few weeks later. Kiersten was super excited to start the 6th grade. 
By 8th grade, Kara felt that she knew the ropes, but was still excited to start a new year. I was just able to get a picture of her as she was dashing off to the bus stop, because she kept remembering things she needed to grab or run upstairs to brush her hair more. 
Evie was a little sad to be alone on the porch last year. But she soaked up the spotlight while she could get it. 
We were at the bus stop bright and early. 

Once the kids were off to school, Jingles was able to emerge from her clever hiding spot. 
These are from a few days before the start of school. Since we missed the orientation day, we were able to go into the school on a make up day to get schedules, find lockers, drop off school stuff, and goof around. Kiersten, like Kara, was not terribly interested in decorating her locker. Maybe Evie will be my fun locker decorating diva. 
The eighth graders get full lockers, so that's kind of a big deal. 
They are smiling so big to hide the fact that neither of them wanted to sit next to the other. Too much quality bonding time on vacation, I guess. 
Leave it to Evie to break the ice. 
We were back in time to attend meet the teacher night at Evie's school. She was pretty excited for that, and happy to have lots of buddies in her 4th grade class. She was also eager to show off her braids to everyone. 
She wouldn't take out the braids until the night before school started. She really wanted this crimpy hair for the first day. Sleeping on it, did not hurt the curls one little bit. She only had about an hour and a half between her sisters leaving, and her turn to head out, but it felt like an eternity to her, and SHE WAS SO BORED. 
 It was a pretty great school year for all of them, while it lasted. 

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