Thursday, September 26, 2019

Miami Spring Break

We flew to Miami to spend a couple days ahead of our cruise. The kids were eager to get to the beach. Ben purchased a handless crutch to use in place of his scooter. It did allow him to get down on the sand, but was really a workout for him. 

He didn't want to do too much moving around, so kind of just parked himself near where the kids were playing. 

Kiersten always complains about getting sand on her, but then she does things like this. 
Getting cleaned up was not the easiest, but he figured it out. 
We found a nearby restaurant for dinner, and explored for a little bit before bed. 
The girls were excited to go to the beach the next morning with Uncle Brennon, Aunt Katie, Rozzie, and Oliver. 

It was a fun day in the waves. 
Kiersten had so much fun playing with her little cousins. 
Evie got buried up to her neck. 
Uh oh! Where'd she go?...
There she is! haha
Kara met a boy in the ocean that showed her how to find little creatures in the seaweed. She thought that was pretty cool. 
Tired after an active day, and doing their kid stuff. 
We did some more walking around with the Birches. 
We had such beautiful weather, and so much fun seeing family.

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