Sunday, February 21, 2016

Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate!

My brownie troop is the best brownie troop. So I wanted to take them for a fun field trip at the Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate co. factory in Saint Louis. Most of the girls were able to attend, and showed up excited and happy. We went the weekend before Valentine's day, so it was great timing. I went with Kara's troop last year, so I knew it would be a great activity for this group.
We all got to wear these stylish caps.

The girls were interested to learn of the factory being powered by solar panels. They asked questions, and really wanted to know about it.
The staff was preparing for a long week and lots of hours before the holiday, so when we were there, there weren't a lot of people there.
The girls really listened, and seemed interested in the processes.

At the end of the tour, they all got a chocolate dipped pretzel.
The tour guide let them know that the Oompa Loompas had the day off.
They liked weighing their treats, and whatever else they could find in their pockets.
Kiersten told me she thinks she'd like to be a baker or candy maker. I'll add it to the list of her career goals.
It was a fun, quick tour, and we spent some time afterward perusing the shop, and loading up on Valentine's gifts, and "oops" chocolates. They were half price, and most of them were "oopses" because of being misshapen, or too large. So I certainly didn't have a problem with that!


Unknown said...

That sounds yummy. Was the chocolate good?

Unknown said...

That sounds yummy. Was the chocolate good?