Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Pirates In The Atlantic

Luckily, we still had a pirate party night, even though we weren't sailing in the Caribbean. Here is our crew of scallywags at dinner. 

Kara needed a new pirate costume, so Ben let her pick one to order. She got the exact same one that I have! (Well, in a bit of a smaller size, ahem). It was fun to be twins, but I also kinda felt like a lame old lady next to such an exuberant young girl. 

We did all the photo backdrops, of course. 

Fun times!
Ben fell asleep after dinner, and would not wake up. With how little that guy actually sleeps, every once in a while he just crashes. So I just let him be, and took the girls up to the deck party. It was freezing! I don't think I got out from under my blanket the entire time. 
Luckily there was a ship photographer roaming, so we got a few good pictures. 
My 3 girls danced so much. Before the party, during the party, after the party. They danced their hearts out, and I was sad for Ben to miss it. 

The show was the same as always. I wondered if it would be different since we were on the transatlantic cruise, but it was not. 

Kara and Evie went up front to dance so they could be up on the big screen. 
Kiersten kept me company, and handled my mint tea refills. 
Mickey saved the day once again!

 Ben woke up after the deck party, and came down to the pirate buffet for a bit. I was glad he had gotten some rest. 

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