Thursday, August 31, 2017

Siesta Key

After Katie's graduation, we drove out to Siesta Key to spend a few days at the beach. The weather was a lot rainier than we were hoping for, but the kids were out at the beach every chance they got. They didn't really mind the rain when we had it. 

They found lots of treasures, possibly thanks in part to all the rain that was clearing the sand away. The first evening we were there, someone came by and said there is a shark that has come near the beach everyone should get out of the water. I don't know who he was, but he did have a "security" shirt. Someone pointed out to everyone what they believed was the shark. After 10 minutes or so, the guy came back by, and said, the shark is not coming in close, and is moving on. Feel free to get into the water and wade out as far as you are comfortable with. I could still see what had been pointed out as the shark, so I was a little nervous, but let the kids get back in the shallow part. The next morning, the dark spot was still in the same spot, bobbing away, and it was then I realized that what I'd been keeping my eye on was a buoy. Who knows where the shark had been? How close? How far? Apparently if one actually had been near, it was just minding it's own business and passing by. I don't know how they spot or track them at all, or if that guy was just on a power trip making things up.

This shell made it home with us and unfortunately still had a crab instead. Our car started stinking to the high heavens, and we tore it apart trying to find the smell. I took all the shells out of the girls bags, washed them out, but then put the shells back not realizing what the culprit was. We had narrowed it down to their beach bags, so those went up in the luggage topper, so we didn't smell it too much. I was rather annoyed when we made it home and I found this shell with a dead, stinking, crab inside. Whoops! Evie was devastated to have killed the poor creature. 
Kiersten could not get her cast wet, so we got a waterproof sleeve for her to wear. The doctor had said to avoid water, sand and sun, so Florida was the perfect place to be. She did a good job of keeping it dry, but was a little sad not to swim. She is the only one that was happy when it got stormy, and we had to leave the beach. 
Evie was glad she could swim in the ocean. She had a great time, and definitely feels at home in the water. 

Kerry and Lana drove out to the beach as well for a couple days. 
She loves to do this starfish float, and goes right over the waves. She can stay like this for a really long time. 
We even got Grams to go in the water for a few minutes. 
Everyone took turns playing in the sand with Kiersten so she wouldn't feel left out. She built a decent sized "sea wall" one day. 
When Katie and Brennon showed up with baby Rozzie, everyone was excited. 
Ben hurt his back a little after throwing the girls, Katie, Brennon, and a hilarious attempt at flipping his dad. They really are lucky no one got hurt worse. It was an ill conceived plan. 
Grandma Van Sickle came up too to spend some time at the beach. 
Kiersten was really happy to have Grandma there to pal around with. They walked all along the beach looking at shells and playing in the waves. 
We bought the girls a boogie board at a surf shop around the corner. It was great fun. Ben and I even tried it out a few times. 

The sunny parts did not last very long, but they were fun while they lasted. 

Rosalind is a good little beach bunny. Who knew eating sand could be such a fun time?
Gray skies chased us away. We actually stayed through quite a bit of rain, but left when we started to hear thunder. 
Because of the weather, more time was spent in the beach house than I'd planned for. WE had a few games though, and had some fun. The girls had their electronics to play with as well. 

Ben made burgers, and we feasted on those for several days. We made a Sam's Club order online, so we could stop on route to Siesta Key and pick up all the food we'd need while there. That worked out nicely. 

We went to eat at Captain Curt's  Crab and Oyster Bar. It was good. Kiersten and Evie got stuffed animals and all the girls had their meals served on frisbees they got to keep. They also had fun sodas with custom labels that the girls thought were pretty cute. 

I would love to go to Siesta Key again, but it'd be nice to know we would get some sunshine while there. 

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